On Wednesday, September 18th 2024, the executive officers of the Japan-Sweden Society (JSS), led by Acting President Seiji Morimoto, Vice President Carl Eklund, and Managing Director Stefan Nilsson, paid a courtesy call to Ambassador Viktoria Li of Sweden. Ambassador Li assumed office on 1st September, succeeding Ambassador Pereric Högberg. She is notably the first female ambassador from Sweden to Japan in the history of the Swedish Foreign Ministry. Her distinguished career includes positions such as Deputy Director General and Head of Communications at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (2020-2024), Ambassador to the Czech Republic (2016-2020), and Consul General in Shanghai, China (2012-2016).

The JSS extended a warm welcome to Ambassador Li and wished her a successful tenure in Japan. In response, Ambassador Li expressed her delight at returning to the Asian region and looked forward to engaging in the rewarding diplomatic work ahead. She emphasized her aim of further promoting the historically excellent relations between Japan and Sweden. Ambassador Li also mentioned several key upcoming events that would involve high-level personnel exchanges across governmental, economic, industrial, and cultural sectors. In particular, she and JSS highlighted the significance of the upcoming Expo 2025 in Osaka and the 100th anniversary of the JSS in 2029.

During the meeting, the JSS invited Ambassador Li to take on the role of Honorary President of the Society, which she graciously accepted. Additionally, an invitation to the JSS Nobel Dinner on 6th November 2024, was extended, which the ambassador gladly accepted.